3 Easy Steps to Animate Parallax Effect in Procreate Dreams

September 23, 2024
1 min read

In this Procreate Dreams tutorial, I will walk you through my process for creating a parallax effect animation. This includes setting up your file, animating a parallax effect, and how to add lens blur to your animation in Procreate Dreams. Lens Blur is a new feature that was added to Procreate Dreams this summer and it helps you create some depth and focus to your animation.

Parallax Effect Animation Project Steps:

  1. Create assets (Background, Focus Object, and Foreground Object)
  2. Set up your file, import assets, and arrange tracks accordingly
  3. Animate the background and foreground elements
  4. Add Lens Blur to background and foreground elements
  5. Export your animation

You can also download the working file for this tutorial here: https://bit.ly/ParallaxProjFile

And, if you use the Parallax Effect technique and share the animation on social, feel free to tag me so I can see the cool animation you made. I'm @IsaiahCardonaKC on Instagram and TikTok and @IsaiahCardona on YouTube and Pinterest.

Looking for classes and tutorials on Procreate and Animation? Then check out my blog or visit my Youtube channel.